Wireless Access Point(AP) behind pfSense Opt1
Little schematic for starters…
I've got a little less than 10 AP's over the network. Everything was fine under IPCop before I switched to pfS.
I noticed in the logs that pfS thought the AP was faking the MAC adress of the laptop in the ARP table… Thus the AP was effectively trying to connect the laptop but things seem to get mixed up.
I have read previous topics and I don't believe in a firmware problem since I've got about 3 to 4 different models of APs. Having said that, all are D-Link products...
Other thing : AP isolation is off.Last thing. Sometimes the machines behind the AP will register and get a proper IP thru DHCP but will not connect to the web but can connect to other machines situated between the pfS and the AP. Now I'm under V. 2.3.3 they don't even get an IP...
Help me Obi Wans Kenobis, you're my only hope!
I don't believe in a firmware problem since I've got about 3 to 4 different models of APs. Having said that, all are D-Link products…
All the more reason to upgrade them. If your lucky DD-WRT has some firmware up for offer, otherwise it is just good practice to upgrade them even if DLINK factory firmware is crap.
Have you put all the AP's in the Static mapping list on that interfaces DHCP server?
Considering how many issues could be in play here and how vague your first post is, it is no wonder many are passing over it. This is my 4th or so time I have read it. ::) To be honest just start with putting each router on your table and reset or upgrade firmware then enter your settings. That is how I would start off. At the beginning. All it takes is one wrong setting and your wireless is going to complain. Right now you may be attempting to herd cats.
ps. Obi is out right now, got smashed last night and we lost him somewhere.??? -
"pfS thought the AP was faking the MAC adress of the laptop in the ARP table"
What exactly was the log that told you this?
Are you running static arp on pfsense?
what model of dlink are you running - are they real AP or some old wifi router your using as AP?
what model of dlink are you running - are they real AP or some old wifi router your using as AP?
I am curious too. He said 3 or 4 models. Could have some good candidates for upgraded firmware.
@Patrick, reread my reply did seem curt but not intentional. If you have an 825 in that pile of routers you will forgive me for pushing firmware. It loves the dd-wrt stuff. Hint-pick last years newer versions not this years. They are kind of beta still. v3.0-30949 is rock solid for mine.
The problem with most firmware is the lack of the upgrades. If you can get them use them.
Lots of help here but the "less than 10 AP's" is a very big unknown for simple one off answer.
As far as I know you could have a new neighbor that is running wireless on your channel and starting a frequency ping pong game.
To avoid a hundred questions or chase a rabbit you need to stow those routers away properly.
Had a manager reset an AP on me to default. Asked him why? It works at home he says.
Yes, I had to silicone the reset buttons. pfftt! yep, good times. -
Thanks for your responses!
I had a loop on the network and it seems that It could have got my PFS go ballistic!I will follow your input and work on the firmare upgrade.
Just for info. yes the APs were registered on the DHCP server.
And I disagree with Webtyro, Obi and Elvis Live…
And I disagree with Webtyro, Obi and Elvis Live…
Correction: I hinted he was dead drunk not dead. Hold on! Last time I remember Obi was talking to some dude with some ladies in a big old caddy…...........OMG!..... :o