Message Time Format
Is it possible to drop the leading zero in the message time hour field? When I see a '0' there I immediately think AM. Since 12 hour format with AM/PM designation is being used there is no need for the leading zero.
AM/PM and MM/DD should be globally banned.
Add your comments there, and I am happy to do some code.Map of countries that use MM/DD/YYYY a few more maps that point out a country that does not like to cooperate with international standards: -
I think he means this forum (there's some useless "custom" format field in profile settings that gets ignored whenever you change something there.)
I think he means this forum (there's some useless "custom" format field in profile settings that gets ignored whenever you change something there.)
Yes. Talking about the forum messages time stamp. Didn't a setting for it in profile settings. Did I miss it?
Oh I did miss it. Didn't drill into the right section. 24hr format is there. But still the 12hr format should not have need of the leading zero in the hour field.