Squid 0.4.36_# Blocking Transparent Proxy
Since I upgraded squid to version 0.4.36_#
When I enable squid proxy in transparent mode, I can see traffic being forwarded to the Barracuda Cloud Content Filtering service but squid real time information shows Status: TCP_DENIED/403 any internet web site. In the previous version 0.4.36 I did not have this issue.
Why would squib now be taking this action in the newer package?
How can I stop this from happenings?
If I can/t fix it, where do I find squid version 0.4.36?
How do I install it manually? -
To go back to a previous working version of squid, I found a firewall with the version and copied down the package file from the cache directory.
This documentation assumes Putty is installed on a Windows machine.
To copy the file down from the working firewall use the following command from the directory listed:
C:\Program Files\PuTTY>pscp RPAdmin@###.###.###.### (working firewall IP):/var/cache/pkg/pfSense-pkg-squid-0.4.36.txz c:\temp
logged into non working firewall
Removed newer squid package
Installed sudo package
copied file up using the following command correct for firewall IP:
C:\Program Files\PuTTY>pscp M:\PFSense\Working-packages\pfSense-pkg-squid-0.4.36.txz RPAdmin@<###.###.###.###(target IP of Firewall)>:/home/directory
Enter Username password when prompted
Installed the package using the following command: sudo pkg install ./pfSense-pkg-squid-0.4.36.txzBug still exists in new version of squid 0.4.36_#
Dear Brother …. i cant access
pscp RProot@ c:\temp
RProot@'s password:
Access deniedbut the password i am sure its correct
How is your traffic forwarded to Barracuda Cloud Content Filtering ?
Please post your squid.conf here