Captive portal html and images….
Could someone explain how to fix this image issue to a BSD lamen?
I am very unfamiliar with BSD command line arguments and am having problems copying my logo.png into the '/usr/local/captiveportal/' directory so it will show correctly on my capture portal. Every time I try to copy my 'logo.png' file from either the '/var/db/cpelements' dir or the '/tmp' dir (I used the GUI to upload it there) I am met with a "Read-only file system" error.
I am running BETA 4 embedded on a WRAP equiped with a 128MB CF card. If someone could take a minute or two to explain the commands I need to know and the steps I need to take to resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thnx in advance,
Could someone explain how to fix this image issue to a BSD lamen?
I am very unfamiliar with BSD command line arguments and am having problems copying my logo.png into the '/usr/local/captiveportal/' directory so it will show correctly on my capture portal. Every time I try to copy my 'logo.png' file from either the '/var/db/cpelements' dir or the '/tmp' dir (I used the GUI to upload it there) I am met with a "Read-only file system" error.
I am running BETA 4 embedded on a WRAP equiped with a 128MB CF card. If someone could take a minute or two to explain the commands I need to know and the steps I need to take to resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thnx in advance,
None of this is required. Simply upload the image to the element manager. It will handle everything.
None of this is required. Simply upload the image to the element manager. It will handle everything.
I did upload the image from the file manager under the captive portal menu, but when the captive portal splash page shows the image is broken.
My code should be fine:
After reading this post I got the impression that there is a bug in pfSense and a work around is copying the picture into the captiveportal directory rather than relying on the refering link. My problem is that I'm using an embedded version of pfSense and I have only read only access to the system, and I have no idea how to get around this.
Run the following commands from the shell:
/etc/rc.conf_mount_roShould be obvious what they do.
The view captive portal link is broken but users surfing to the page will get the images. If you are simply viewing the page and pronouncing it broke because of this fact then you need to really test with a captive portal client.
Okay I tested this again and found some minor errors…
png wasn't working.
Anything upper or mixed case wouldnt have worked:
ie: Jpg
If you are running a full installation do a releng_1 && shutdown -r now
If not, Diagnostics, Edit file and overwrite the code with this:;content-type=text%2Fplain;only_with_tag=RELENG_1