Comodo CA and Certificates
Long story short as possible:
I have a Wildcard Domain SSL cert from comodo.
I created it with a CSR in PFsense and exported the key to them and they sent me back:
my domain.CA-bundle
my domain .cert
my domain.p7bTo use the services I need they need to either be pfx or for PFSENSE I need them in PEM format. The bundle above is pem format but it has multiple certificates inside of it so I'm not sure which one I put in for the CA that I'm supposed to import.
Now, in PFSense under CSR it says "external - signature pending"
Am I supposed to somehow complete that process?^^My goal is to create a reverse proxy with this wildcard SSL cert and have all the machines on the inside of my network have the cert installed.
So going forward I need the .key file that PFsense made and the .crt file from comodo and combined those to create certificates for my machines or what? Also what do I do about that CA bundle?