SquidGuard proxy filter gives connection refused error for site
Hi everyone,
Over the past week I noticed that I wasn't able to reach a particular site (forums.redflagdeals.com) with SquidGuard filter enabled. It gives the error:
The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://forums.redflagdeals.com/
Connection to failed.
The system returned: (61) Connection refused
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
Your cache administrator is admin@localhost.
Disabling the filter resolves the issue and to make things worse it doesn't appear to be consistent. Sometimes the site loads and sometimes it doesn't. More often it's starting to not load it. This is happening on mobile and desktop browsers. Does anyone know what I can look into to try and find out what's going on? I don't want to have to disable the filter for one site but I tend to visit it daily and this has never happened before.
One other thing I noticed, the main site redflagdeals.com works perfectly fine. Seems like it's just the subdomain that's affected.
I don't think I have very much enabled for the proxy filter config (only blocking porn and ads) but let me know if you need config details to help me out. Also if it helps, forums.redflagdeals.com was doing "something" last week as lots of people had trouble signing in with their login credentials. Seems like it's around that time that this started with the error. Could some of you who have the filter enabled try accessing that site as well and see if you get it to load and try going into some of the threads?