Question about portforwarding on VM pfsense
Hi this may be a bit of a newbie question but i have a pfsense virtual machine that is bridged to my internet from my modem. I have port forwarded to 5 different ports on pfsense VM however those ports are not open on my modem ( main internet) i am connecting a different VM to my pfsense internet (that is bridged to my real connection) but i was wondering if port forwarding on pfsense and using another VM that is connected to that will the ports acctually be open as the pfsense is bridged to my modem that don't have them ports open….
Thanks in advance to anyone that replays .ElevenZip
Hi this may be a bit of a newbie question but i have a pfsense virtual machine that is bridged to my internet from my modem. I have port forwarded to 5 different ports on pfsense VM however those ports are not open on my modem ( main internet) i am connecting a different VM to my pfsense internet (that is bridged to my real connection) but i was wondering if port forwarding on pfsense and using another VM that is connected to that will the ports acctually be open as the pfsense is bridged to my modem that don't have them ports open….
Thanks in advance to anyone that replays .ElevenZip
If your modem is "bridged" and pfsense has a public IP on its wan.. Then any ports that your isp don't block will be available to be seen by pfsense wan. Then sure you could forward those to stuff behind pfsense on its lan.
If pfsense has rfc1918 IP on its wan, then that says its behind a nat.. And the nat device(s) in front of pfsense would have to allow/forward the traffic to pfsense wan IP before pfsense could forward it.
How would i check if it's has rfc1918 IP or a public IP
Sorry I'm a noob -
Does it start with 10.x.x.x, 192.168.x.x or 172.16-31.x.x ?? If so then its rfc1918.. Ie private IPs
If it starts with pretty much anything else its public ;)
See my wan is a public IP.. If you look up 24.13 its owned by comcast..