Possible to pass source IP over tun0 to clients behind pfSense
Have a few servers and my ISP blocks all the good ports. Looking to forward source IPs from eth0 to tun0 on OpenVPN server, over vpn to machines behind pfSense firewall. OpenVPN server is Linux OS running community OpenVPN. PfSense connects as client and has a dedicated subnet for the VPN connection. Thanks in advance for any help.
Yes, you can. You have to assign the interface and get the rules set right (search around – that's been discussed and explained many many times here), but it can forward traffic across like that.
I have a block of addresses routed to my house that way. Aside from the lower MTU and higher latency from running over a VPN, it works OK.
Yes, you can. You have to assign the interface and get the rules set right (search around – that's been discussed and explained many many times here), but it can forward traffic across like that.
I have a block of addresses routed to my house that way. Aside from the lower MTU and higher latency from running over a VPN, it works OK.
Awesome thanks! I will search. Don't like doing anything I don't understand but also have been searching a bunch before I asked here. I assume I'm not the only one trying to get a static ip via cheap vps over vpn. Seems everything I find is settings for outbound only or outbound privacy only. Might sound dumb but what should I be searching for?
Thanks again. I figured it would be fairly straightforward once I know what to point where and how to structure the rules.
are you trying to do this? https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=128718.0
But Server/Client the other way round?