Connect Openvpnserver while being in local network
Hi guys, i have 4 different vlans, and want to access them all together while connecting to mylocal vpn server on my pfsensebox. I configured it on the wan interface, because i want to access it also remotely and it works while being on an outside network. If i am on one of my local vlans, i can't connect to my wan adress. Could there be a problem because i am using multiwan? And can't connect to the same wan adress i have at this time? Do i have to make a second server just for local access? Or is there a cleaner solution? I have configured Openvpn routes so that i get access to the different vlans simultaniously. Maybe there is a problem there because i would route me back to the same vlan i am using to connect to the vpn? Firewall ports aren't the problem because i can't connect to the vpn while being on my local dmz. Sometimes i coul establish a connection so my guess is that its something with the roundrobin multiwan. Am i missing something? Thanks and keep up the good work :)
Configure the VPN server to listen on an internal address and on the WAN interface(s) add a port forwarding rule to this internal address.
The routes you're pushing to the client are messing up the connectivity when the client is on the local LAN or one of the other local networks. Unfortunately there is no way to tell the OpenVPN service to selectively push options based on the client's IP address.