Traffic Graphs Broken in 2.4.0.b.20170512.1940?
This issue still persists, i have 2.4.2 and Traffic Graph is blank and Retrieving CPU data wheel is spinning forever.
Is there any fix for this ? :(
There is no fix as there isn't anything reproducible broken (that i know of anyhow).
You will have to investigate a bit more to find why it is not working on your machine. Check browser developer network tab are there any javascript errors? Do requests for ifstat.php get a valid reply? Did already try to clear browser cache right?
I did clear browser cache, no java errors, tried on 3 different computers, tried on my iphone, macbook pro, windows pc, linux laptop, tired in incognito i don't think its a browser problem :(
Is the request for ifstats.php send by the timer in the browser? What interfaces are requested? And what does it return?
Can you help me identify this ifstat.php request ? where should i look for it ? in this scenarie no widget would refresh, i cannot move any widget or close any widget, only way to make things work again si to ingo Traffic Graphs config, and remove all the interfaces from being shown there, then everything starts to work again and Traffic Graphs is hidden.
In chrome you would press F12, then on network tab you could filter on the name ifstats and a new requests would show there. Possibly refresh the page with F5 to be sure everything gets shown.. Click one of those ifstats requests and you will be able to view the headers of the send request and also the response, make sure it looks valid from begin with a { until the end }.

Thank you very much for your help ! i did like you told me and there seems to be no response at all from ifstats, please check out the image.
Let me know what you think.
no java errors
Perhaps no java error..
But your screenshot shows at the bottom some 'red' text in the 'console' tab, that surely looks like a Javascript error ;). (p.s. Java is not related to Javascript..)Can you copy that text in full into a code # block here on the forum? It might help tell whats going on..
Sure thing ! that is what i noticed that are some errors there and why i did capture them in in the screenshot, here they are in all their glory !
Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token traffic-graphs.js?v=1510914901:162 Uncaught ReferenceError: nv is not defined at String. <anonymous>(traffic-graphs.js?v=1510914901:162) at Function.each (jquery-1.12.0.min.js?v=1510914902:2) at draw_graph (traffic-graphs.js?v=1510914901:141) at graph_init (traffic-graphs.js?v=1510914901:59) at (index):1120 at HTMLDocument. <anonymous>(pfSense.js?v=1513000593:261) at i (jquery-1.12.0.min.js?v=1510914902:2) at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery-1.12.0.min.js?v=1510914902:2) at Function.ready (jquery-1.12.0.min.js?v=1510914902:2) at HTMLDocument.K (jquery-1.12.0.min.js?v=1510914902:2)</anonymous></anonymous>
Is it possible to click on the "Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token" line? Does it show some other file/script where that syntax error is present.?
The second error where 'nv' is not defined is probably caused by the first syntax error skipping parts of code that is available..
No, i can only click on nv.d3.js:9656 right next to invalid or unexpected token and is shows this.
Any ideas what i should do so i can have a working traffic graph ?
What does line 9656 of that file look like?
And a bit around it.
function mouseover_line(evt) { var yaxis = data[evt.seriesIndex].yAxis === 2 ? yAxis2 : yAxis1; evt.value = evt.point.x; evt.series = { value: evt.point.y, color: evt.point.color, key: evt.series.key }; tooltip .duration(0) .headerFormatter(function(d, i) { return xAxis.tickFormat()(d, i); }) .valueFormatter(function(d, i) { return yaxis.tickFormat()(d, i); }) .data(evt) .hidden(false); } function mouseover_scatter(evt) { var yaxis = data[evt.seriesIndex].yAxis === 2 ? yAxis2 : yAxis1; evt.value = evt.point.x; evt.series = { value: evt.point.y, color: evt.point.color, key: evt.series.key }; tooltip .duration(100) .headerFormatter(function(d, i) { return xAxis.tickFormat()(d, i); }) .valueFormatter(function(d, i) { return yaxis.tickFormat()(d, i); }) .data(evt) .hidden(false); } function mouseover_stack(evt) { var yaxis = data[evt.s[/code]  
Not sure what happened there.. that line should be longer.: and should be still quite a few lines after it as well..Can you check with diagnostics\editfile or perhaps your favorite SCP client what the file "/usr/local/www/vendor/nvd3/nv.d3.js" on pfSense itself looks like? Is it complete?
If the file is incomplete you could try and run: pkg install -f pfSense-base on the pfSense console or ssh connection to re-install it..
I don't know if its complete or not, but this is how it looks like, can you tell me if it is ok ?
I added to a text file as i cannot paste it here to long.
Looks like its only 9656 lines, while there should be 14354 like in the link so definitely not ok..
Can you run the pkg command mentioned, and check again.?
Thank you ever so much ! now it works perfectly !!
Thanks so so much for your effort to help i so appreciate it you earn a lot of respect, if i can ever repay you for your help just le me know:
[2.4.2-RELEASE][root@pfSense.shimano.home]/root: pkg install -f pfSense-base Updating pfSense-core repository catalogue... pfSense-core repository is up to date. Updating pfSense repository catalogue... pfSense repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be REINSTALLED: pfSense-base-2.4.2_1 [pfSense-core] Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1 Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y [1/1] Reinstalling pfSense-base-2.4.2_1... [1/1] Extracting pfSense-base-2.4.2_1: 100% ===> Keeping a copy of current version mtree ===> Removing schg flag from base files ===> Extracting new base tarball ===> Removing static obsoleted files [2.4.2-RELEASE][root@pfSense.shimano.home]/root:
Ok great :).
Next issue, please do fill in a different 'monitor ip' on your wan gateway, one that that responds to ping, so the gateway wont show as 'down' with 100% loss, and the quality monitoring rrd's will contain some better data ;). But well that should probably go into a different topic 8). -
Ok i will open another topic for that i don't know how to do it and would be really nice to work, but i am not sure if it will work since i have a pppoe with dynamic ip gateway and ip always changes