WebGUI access to long to connect.
I have some issues while i'm trying to acces webGUI.
First of all, the context :
I had fully acces to my webGUI.
- With my LAN acces
- With my authorized laptop in my WLAN acces
- With my authorizzed laptop via openVPN
Then :
I've try to switch my Cisco WAP200N from 2.4GHz to 5.0GHz and then my AP bricked.
After that:
No acces at all, LAN, WLAN, VPN.
I've try via SSH with Linux… nothing happen.
I've try with PuTTY on widnows... nothing happen.
And I don't have a DB9 port on my laptop so I can't use serial console connector.
I still can ping my machine.
I try rebooting it a lot of time, without anything pluggued on it or with all my setup.My machine:
Watchguard XTM 520
pfSense 2.2.x (I can't remeber the last digit but it was up to date on the 2.2.x version)Actually my pfsense work just as great as it was before, except about the fact that I can't access it.
Any solution, help, something to orientate me on my research?
Thanks all.
I don't get it.
Your WAP200N broke, and now you can't access pfSense any more ?
My advice : Stop using a broken device (this means unplugging it from where it is right now), and all goes well again.Serial to USB cables are used these days.
Btw : please ….. stop using an ancient software version.
Those who CAN support you can NOT handle the load (about recalling all issues about all these old versions).
If you need support : use the latest version. Live will be easier for all of us, you included. -
I don't get it neither.
Unplugged my WAP300N(sorry I write the wrong number previously) was one of the first thing I do.
I reinstalle my pfsense from zero with a 2.2.6 version(I only have a 1GB CF card and the 2.3.x need a least 2GB for the nanobsd if i'm correct) I will try with a serial tu usb cable today and if I can have access this way I'll buy a bigger CF card. For the AP I already buy a new one (Unifi AP AC PRO).
Thank you Gertjan for your time!