Azure Extensions Do Not Work on PFSense 3.3.1-p1
I am working on a deployment of PFSense 3.3.1-p1 Image from Azure Marketplace (, and I have found that the Azure Extensions do not work. Each extensions shows as Status Unavailable on the Azure Portal, and nothing I do seems to resolve this.
I have tried upgrading the Azure Agent manually, and uninstalling the existing extensions, but neither resolves the issue. Azure Support has advised that they do not Support the Extensions, and that I need to reach out to PFSense to get some answers here.
The end-result of this issue is as follows, which makes using this appliance/image in production a bit risky:
- No Disk-level Encryption
- No Backups
- No Antivirus/Antimalware
- No Custom Script Extensions
1. Is the Extension problem a known issue?
2. Does anyone have the WALinuxAgent/waagent, Disk Encryption Extension, etc. working on the PFSense 3.3.1-p1 image on Azure?
3. How was this Image released to the marketplace without working extensions?Any advisement would be highly appreciated.