Steam In-home streaming
What must I do to get the in-home streaming on my local LAN working with pfsense ? Worked perfectly with an old Sonicwall TZ170 firewall (Not that tight as a pfsense).
I can see this with TPCview:
Steam.exe 10216 UDP MASS-WS 65496 * * 614 56 240 604 147 620
Steam.exe 10216 UDP MASS-WS 27036 * * 12 912 12 912
Steam.exe 10216 TCP MASS-WS 27036 MASS-WS 0 LISTENINGBut only listen never ESTABLISHED.
If you are referring to Steam streaming from one box to another or from your gaming PC to a Steam Link, then pfSense has absolutely nothing to do with it since Steam streaming only works for devices on the same subnet. No streaming traffic crosses pfSense.
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