Pfsense 2.3.4 + Squid state of art
Since is not clear which mode is working and how, I'd like make some clearance about it.
I post my tested confs, I was able neither to get non transparet/https mode work, neither if it possible to get it work . please let me know any suggestion.
I assume simple configuration. i.e. no WPAD, nor safe search.Clients PC
DNS server: set to pfsense/squid IPSquid package
Transparent mode
http: working
https: working
- Squid General Settings
Enable Squid Proxy: checked
Keep Settings/Data: checked
Proxy Interface(s): LAN
Proxy Port: 3128
ICP Port: empty
Allow Users on Interface: checked
Resolve DNS IPv4 First: checked
Disable ICMP: UNchecked
Use Alternate DNS Servers for the Proxy Server: empty-Transparent Proxy Settings
Transparent HTTP Proxy: checked
**Transparent Proxy Interface(s):**LAN- SSL Man In the Middle Filtering
SSL/MITM Mode: Splice All
SSL Intercept Interface(s): LAN
**SSL Proxy Port:**3129
SSL Proxy Compatibility Mode: Intermediate
DHParams Key Size: 2048 (default)
**SSL Certificate Deamon Children:**5
Remote Cert Checks: Accept remote server certificate with errors
Certificate Adapt: Sets the "Not Before" (setValidBefore)Non Transparent mode
http: workging
https: NOT working Configuration: same as above exept
- Transparent Proxy Settings
Transparent HTTP Proxy: unchecked