NET-SNMP Package not starting
I'm having some issues starting net-snmp. Can anyone verify its functional on 2.4b snapshots please? I disabled the old bsnmpd, regardless whether I specify an interface on the general tab or leave it blank (default), the service won't start. No errors in system.log.
net-snmp 0.1.2_5
2.4.0-BETA (amd64) , built on Sat May 27 21:11:52 CDT 2017 -
I am also having issues starting it up.ย I check the enable box, and hit save but then it is unchecked and does not start.ย I don't see any logging either in the system logs.
I split this off since that other thread isn't suitable for new problems/issues.
The package works fine, and runs when it has a proper configuration. If you can give more details about your configuration then maybe the reason it won't start will become apparent. Include what you have set on every tab in the package. No need to provide secret/identifying info.
At a minimum you'll need to setup either users (SNMPv3) OR one or more communities (SNMPv1/2c)
On the general tab, i left everything default, except for the aforementioned enable checkbox, that wont stay checked.
Under host, I have populated location, with a city, state. The i have populated contact with an email address.
Since I plan on using snmp v2c, i deleted everything under users.
and lastly, I populated a rocommunity under communities.
Looks like there is an issue there, I've got a fix in the works.
Once I get a fix committed, the next snaps after that should be OK.
In the meantime you can edit out the empty tags from the <netsnmp>section of config.xml and it will work.
Or from Diag > Command in the PHP Exec box:
unset($config['installedpackages']['netsnmp']); write_config("Reset NET-SNMP Settings"); ```</netsnmp>
Thanks for the help Jim.
I applied the php code work around and I am able to enable the service, and my NMS is now picking up my CPU type.
Super awesome, thanks.
thanks for the workaround Jim.
Just a brief follow-up. Although Im able to start my NETSNMP service now Im still having a few hiccups putting this into service.
I see the following errors in the log
Jun 11 19:07:19 snmpd 72469 NET-SNMP version 5.7.3 Jun 11 19:07:19 snmpd 72032 Turning on AgentX master support. Jun 11 19:07:19 snmpd 72032 /var/etc/netsnmpd.conf: line 13: Error: Blank line following extend token. Jun 11 19:07:19 snmpd 72032 /var/etc/netsnmpd.conf: line 13: Error: Blank line following extend token.
and here's my bare-bones config
[2.4.0-BETA][root@pfSense.local.lan]/root: cat /var/etc/netsnmpd.conf agentaddress udp: engineID pfsense [snmp] tsmUseTransportPrefix no interface_fadeout 300 interface_replace_old no ignoreDisk /dev ignoreDisk /var/dhcpd/dev includeAllDisks 20% extend rwuser -s usm "manager" noauth rocommunity public authtrapenable 2 linkUpDownNotifications no defaultMonitors no iquerySecName "manager" agentSecName "manager" master agentx
Looks like you have an invalid blank extend command entry on the "Host Information" tab. Delete it.
I pushed an update to the pkg that will prevent it from doing that in the future. It will show up eventually in the next round of snapshots.