[squid auth] transparent with mix of anonymous + authenticated users
Hi all,
I've read it is not possible to handle auth with squid as transparent proxy, but I was wondering if the following scenario could work:- transparent proxy holds all unauthenticated access and applies big restrictions (squidguard blacklists)
- some users can authenticate by setting the browser's configuration explicitly (i.e. to port 3128 with auth)
- some users of transparent proxy, that have previously authenticated to a Radius (for example while establishing wpa2 enterprise connection) can have their specific profile applied
Is this a possible setup ? I mean by default be anonymous and restricted, but if radius information (by previously authing) or if manually setup, apply different profiles/restrictions.
Help much appreciated !
Unrestrict users bypass authentication, squid has integration with captive portal. So, it's possible.
take a look on resulting config and create your own acls to complete your configuration.
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