Hyperv 2012 R2 VLan Trunk working?
Latest pf 2.3.4 installed on hyperv 2012 r2.
Cant seem to get tagging to pass to the vswitch.I have ran the commands to change the vswitch to a trunk port and added my vlans
Hyperv shows the proper vlans assigned to the vswitch.
phy Switch looks fine and set as a trunk and tagging.Just want to make there is not a problem i am not seeing with pf before i rip this apart more.
I am running 2.3.4 installed on a Hyper-V guest under Windows 8.1 and have VLAN trunking working.
What native VLAN id did you specify? I had trouble with anything other than 0, as Windows strips the VLAN tag off traffic matching the native VLAN id before serving it to the VM.