Custom OpenVPN install package : tap0901 ?
i followed this guide ( ) to create my own openvpn install packages…
I customized it well but something goes wrong :
If i keep the original tap0801 driver, all goes right.
But the article says (and other sites too), that you need tap0901 driver for Windows Vista (even, i have to admit haven't tried, on my own, tap0801 on Vista).
I strictly followed the guide, created the package and installed my custom package w/ tap0901 driver.
But, even in XP, the OpenVPN service doesn't start, after such an install (tap0901).
The service can't start w/ error eventid 1075.
After a few searches, i discovered that, the service keeps searching for the old tap0801 service while i had installed the tap0901 one !
I edited the "openvpnserv.exe" (supplied w/ OpenVPN sources) before creating the install package, and notice that it refers to "TAP0801" !!!
So i changed the "8" to "9", saved the .exe and created again the install package :
All runs right now !!!
So, why am i posting if all works ?
Because i really don't like the way i solved it and wanna know if anyone have met the same problem and how he has solved it...
Thanks again,
P.S. : By the way, if anyone knows how to script a "runas" function before creating packages (for deploying the package w/ restricted rights users but for which a common administrator password has been set), thank you very much
Generic OpenVPN questions are probably best asked on the OpenVPN mailing list ;)
Yep…sorry :(
I like your "backup" definition :)