2.4.0-BETA shutdown=ok, reboot=fail
Thanks for the info ;)
I'm having the same issue here - thanks for the tip re: Kaby Lake; I was ready to order a new mobo, but will instead work around the issue until 2.4.1 gets released.
Marcello Marques
Guarujá - SP - Brazil -
It would be handy if the pfSense updater could issue the command 'shutdown -r now' instead of whatever it is using now.
Then it would reboot correctly after installing updates with Kaby Lake.
I just posted a feature to include an alternative shutdown in the "buglist"
'shutdown -r now' does indeed work, but I mainly reboot it when I update packages, so must physically reboot it anyway.
I have the same problem "Whenever the system goes to reboot, it shows the uptime and says rebooting now - but it never does"
Gigabyte GA-H170N-WIFI
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-6100T,
pfSense 2.4.0.r.20170910.2058 -
I should mention that I think this is actually a Kabylake PCH issue (200 series chipsets or "Union Point") I have a Skylake CPU in a B250 board and it still has this issue. Not sure if this is an issue with Kabylake CPUs on 100 series chipsets (Sunrise Point)
2.4.1-DEVELOPMENT (amd64)
built on Tue Sep 19 09:30:30 CDT 2017
FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p1[2.4.1-DEVELOPMENT][spazicus@pfsense.home]/root: uname -mrs
FreeBSD 11.1-RELEASE-p1 amd64https://snapshots.pfsense.org/amd64/pfSense_master/installer/
Assuming you are suggesting updating to 2.4-1 Development...I gave it a shot...No dice...
-Dell Optiplex 990 Tower 8gb Ram/2TB HD(I know Super excessive...too lazy to swap it out), 1 Intel EGPCI NIC 1 TP-Link Gb Pci Link...Worked fine with 2.34...
Just a fyi...and thanks for the info. It was appreciated. 8)

Duh…Misread your note...
I was up to date with all the revisions...Still no change...
Thanks again
New 2.41 dev snapshot install dated 29-Sep-2017 on an APU2C4. Same thing. Reboot doesn't work.