Https in squid log without man in the middle
I'd like to log https requests in squid access.log file, like
I don't need to log the rest of the site request, so I don't need certificates etcHow to log https sites in addition to http requests??
It seems squid logs only http request in pfsense
You can do that using 'peek and slice' mode in Squid as long as you have https set. Just choose 'splice-all' in the https settings.
If you have Gold membership we did a complete walk through of that some months back in hangout.
I want to log in access.log file of squid, https sites
for example clients browser I have inserted manually ip of squid/pfsense port 3128, but I don't see any log for https
Please help me configure squid in pfsense withoutI want to log only domains, not full urls, so I don't want to set the certificate
What do you see logged? I would expect to see everything logged in the Squid logs.
ok it seems to work
I had to reboot pfsense