Services_dyndns not work
Yes, restoring factory config, and reconfiguring the box from scratch with sanity in mind would be extremely helpful for that setup. (And making backups on each step so that diagnosing where things broke is actually possible.)
DHCPv6 cant start is because use fd42:d42:d42:53::1 dns. pfsense should has bug for this. Using any dns address should not affect the other.
This post is devoted to dynamic DNS issues. I did not change any configuration, the previous version is working properly, and now some versions are not working properly
Either the language barrier is beyond working with, or his is just trolling dok.. He has multiple multiple threads as you know - and they are all pretty much gibberish.. And when asked for info he just repeats the nonsense..
He posted his radvd.conf in the other thread where ipv6 is not working. he has dhcp server running on on his gif interface that is also going up down ;)…
Love to help the guy.. But it prob best for him to just start over - it seems to be a complete cluster! And he would have better luck working in his native language section..
Not that I am not clear, but not enough information can be provided. I can only reflect the results of the problems,Because the system does not provide an error log or prompt.
I also have video recording to reflect the problems that arise, so this is not related to language.But still thank you for your enthusiastic participation.
such as -
DHCPv6 cant start is because use fd42:d42:d42:53::1 dns. pfsense should has bug for this. Using any dns address should not affect the other.
This post is devoted to dynamic DNS issues. I did not change any configuration, the previous version is working properly, and now some versions are not working properly
For example, the reason for this problem is my own groping to find, the system does not have any tips or error log. Who can think of VPN's DNS settings will affect LAN's DHCPV6?
Dude - move your questions to your own language board… What your put down amounts to gibberish..
"DHCPv6 cant start is because use fd42:d42:d42:53::1 dns. "
You do NOT RUN dhcp server on GIF Interface!!! What dns you use has ZERO to do with dhcp server starting..
Nobody is going to watch some video either!! Which I did - and what exactly were you trying to show in that.. Other than you turned off offloading and had to click dashboard a few times? Maybe something to do with 100 or so tabs you had open at the same time? ZERO useful info in that video - ZERO!!! That someof the 30 different gateways went online after you turned off offload? Ok?? Then leave off offload -- what is the issue your having?? You say HE tunnel goes up down up down? Does it continue to do that if you turn off offloading?
What hardware are you running on? None of this info has been given..
You also had a v4 tunnel down.. But the 2 v6 tunnels dude they have 200+ ms time when they come up.. Where did you create the tunnels too? HE has endpoints all over.. Where are you creating the tunnels too that you have 200 ms to the end point? Where do you have your tunnels setup? Where are you U?? 200ms to the end point.. yeah that is most likely going to suck.. And yeah if you have packet loss the tunnel will go offline.. Did you adjust the settings on dpinger? to account for your across the planet tunnel endpoint? Your v4 tunnel had 380ms response time.. WTF?? Yeah that tunnel going to BLOW!!!! even if up..
You are mixed with things. I never said DNS is set in DHCPv6. dns is setup in /system.php DNS Server Settings. gif never setup with DHCPv6. only LAN has DHCP.
just now deleted fd42:d42:d42:53::1 from /system.php DNS Server Settings,then DHCPV6 work.
GIF ipv6 down is post other .
This post is about dynamic updates
Which part of "purge the ungodly mess there and start from scratch" is unclear?
Or, alternatively, you might consider getting commercial support to get help with your 12 WANs, tunnels, VPNs and efforts to claim ASNs that you do not own via BGP.
gif never setup with DHCPv6. only LAN has DHCP.
The conf you posted seems to differ
Generated for DHCPv6 Server opt8
interface gif3 {
AdvSendAdvert on;
MinRtrAdvInterval 5;Im with dok here - nuke it and start over with some sort of sanity!!
"DHCPv6 cant start is because use fd42:d42:d42:53::1 dns."
Does not matter where you set that as dns but it general or dhcp settings - that has ZERO to do with dhcp starting..
gif never setup with DHCPv6. only LAN has DHCP.
The conf you posted seems to differ
Generated for DHCPv6 Server opt8
interface gif3 {
AdvSendAdvert on;
MinRtrAdvInterval 5;Im with dok here - nuke it and start over with some sort of sanity!!
"DHCPv6 cant start is because use fd42:d42:d42:53::1 dns."
Does not matter where you set that as dns but it general or dhcp settings - that has ZERO to do with dhcp starting..
"interface gif3" this is not config by myself, system auto config, i have only has an lan with DHCP now.
i want to know why it is has the config also.
pfsense does not configure gif interfaces on its own.. So yeah that is on you… I have a gif interface.. I have dhcp6 running and RA.. no gif interface in my conf..
"i want to know why it is has the config also."
Because you jacked it up! is why.. My guess is you went into your opt interface that you assigned your gif too and set an IP.. Which you do not do on gif interfaces.. Should be none none for ipv4 and ipv6 on the interface you assign the gif too.
2.4.0-RC (amd64)
built on Fri Sep 29 07:00:16 CDT 2017
FreeBSD 11.0-RELEASE-p12this version dyndns work now.
pfsense does not configure gif interfaces on its own.. So yeah that is on you… I have a gif interface.. I have dhcp6 running and RA.. no gif interface in my conf..
"i want to know why it is has the config also."
Because you jacked it up! is why.. My guess is you went into your opt interface that you assigned your gif too and set an IP.. Which you do not do on gif interfaces.. Should be none none for ipv4 and ipv6 on the interface you assign the gif too.
Maybe it's been a long time, but it's already a configuration that's already started, and for whatever reason the system should remove the old one.
anyway,Thank you for your concern and reply.

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Speaking of the old configuration, the error log is like this:
php-fpm 49863 /rc.filter_configure_sync: The gateway: IPv6LAXGWv6 is invalid or unknown, not using it.
There is an old gateway name, but maybe there is still a place where this error indicates where I should be looking for this old gateway name?