Ladp filter search - pfsense 2.3.4
Hello there! I'm trying to setup ldap search as a source acl. But all I came with up is nothing. I've created an acl with this statement: ldapusersearch ldap://x.x.x.x/DC=TJO,DC=ORG?sAMAccountName?sub?(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(memberOf=CN=IT_ACC%2cOU=ACCOUNTS%2cOU=IT%2cOU=End-user Segments%2cOU=HQ%2cDC=TJO%2cDC=ORG)), the latter has been constructed according to this tree:my domain, hq, End-user Segments, IT, Accounts, IT_ACC. Then, I login with an account that belongs to IT_ACC security group, then when I browse the websites which are supposed to be blocked for any user that belongs to IT_ACC security group, nothing happens. I've enabled ldap filter in the general settings of squidguard but I'm not sure how to test the credentials. So any help with that ?
Thank you in advance.
Any reply?!
Any idea to do it the way I need it?
Why don't you just test it with System - User Manager? And an Auth. server there and test.
With user manager it's ok and I can see all of AC groups and users. But still no luck for the filtering process.
Well, I cannot provide any advise about squidGuard. Just won't touch that package, the code is harmful to mental health.
So what is the next suggested movement ?
Hello. (spanish)
Still no luck.. Is there any suggestion to my issue?