New 502 Bad Gateway
I am very surprised that this was not caught in testing: Many, many people run pfBlockerNG, Suricata/Snort and Squid. That should be a basic configuration to be tested.
Yes, it takes traffic and some time to manifest, but any decent QA dept. needs to have, beyond load producing tools, monitoring tools to watch for memory leaks and process status (I did SW QA a few years ago).pfBlockerNG wasn't even part of our QA, we were too busy with 11.0 > 11.1 switch. We love and use pfBlockerNG but it's developed by our community member BBcan177 and not pfSense team (even though we fully support him!). In BBcan177's defense, he had very little time for testing with our switch to FreeBSD version 11.1. To learn about what I am talking about see the following blog post:
Is there an "easy button" for this fix? Maybe just disable pfBlockerNG? I'm pretty uninitiated…just happy I found out "why" it is happening because I had no clue. I'm assuming this will be fixed in 2.4.3 or an update to the extension?
Disabling pfBlockerNG's DNSBL is a temporary fix until the real cause is found.
interestingly following me clean installing 2.4.2 using config.xml (so pfblocker NG updated itself also).
Using my FPM patch I had no 502 errors, and 7 FPM processes were running presumably to satisfy all the php scripts running to process everything and to satisfy the webui requests. So I think my patch works well.
Jim has already gave it the thumbs up on a PR, and Martin has committed the code as well.
I am currently stable for about 6 days.
pfBlockerNG 2.1.2_1 (updates all lists once a day)
snort was just removing the Status_Traffic_Totals (vnstat) package.
Before I was getting 502. -
since yesterday I haven't had any problem. No hickups or any breakdown.
The script:
truss -Haedf -s 100 -o /root/truss_pfblocker_test.log /root/ 1
-> does not hang
What have I to apply to fix the issue? The patch that was made available via git or the fixes below:
Have you already commited the changes?
the git patch commit by Martin is the the same as my patch, he just made it an easier process and we can wait for the pfsense staff to approve the commit so it makes it into a future version, but for now either apply my patch in its raw format or the use the git id Martin provided.
As long as your unit has at least a gig of ram it should solve the problem.
Note the patch was created on a 2.4.x unit, I am not sure how clean it will apply on 2.3.x devices, thats untested.
Thanks @chrcoluk and @marjohn56,
Hopefully this fixes this issue once and for all…. Looking forward to users feedback!
I think the "Can NOT be reverted cleanly" through me off. I just checked and mine and got the results you show so I applied the patch and it applied successfully. I will report if the 502s go away. Cheers!
Reporting back - have not had any issues since the patch was applied. Cheers!!!
I had a issue this morning. The only difference was that the update for pfblocker has been enabled again.
Webgui and internal network was reachable.Do you run pfblocker with enabled update? How often do you update?
I think the "Can NOT be reverted cleanly" through me off. I just checked and mine and got the results you show so I applied the patch and it applied successfully. I will report if the 502s go away. Cheers!
Reporting back - have not had any issues since the patch was applied. Cheers!!!
… and not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...
Any additional feedback on the PHP patch posted above would be appreciated! Thanks.
… and not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...
Any additional feedback on the PHP patch posted above would be appreciated! Thanks.
… The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
You only hear when it doesn't work, not when it does.. ;)
Hey everyone,
For what it's worth, I found this thread a couple weeks ago, shortly after I installed pfblockerng and configured DNSBL. I had been running my pfsense box for about a year without a single issue, but after setting up pfblockerng and DNSBL, I'd lose GUI and console mgmt access within 24 hours, the only fix being a hard reboot.
I installed PiBa's patch (, and my pfsense box has been running for over 10 days now without a single hiccup. Immediately after installing the patch I noticed that my memory usage dropped from about 50% of my 1GB of RAM to about 30%, and it's remained there ever since.
I did not install chrcoluk's patch, since I didn't want to muddy the waters during my testing. It seems it wasn't needed, at least not in my case. Big thank you to PiBa and all the other folks who helped get this fixed, you guys are awesome! -
Hey everyone,
For what it's worth, I found this thread a couple weeks ago, shortly after I installed pfblockerng and configured DNSBL. I had been running my pfsense box for about a year without a single issue, but after setting up pfblockerng and DNSBL, I'd lose GUI and console mgmt access within 24 hours, the only fix being a hard reboot.
I installed PiBa's patch (, and my pfsense box has been running for over 10 days now without a single hiccup. Immediately after installing the patch I noticed that my memory usage dropped from about 50% of my 1GB of RAM to about 30%, and it's remained there ever since.
I did not install chrcoluk's patch, since I didn't want to muddy the waters during my testing. It seems it wasn't needed, at least not in my case. Big thank you to PiBa and all the other folks who helped get this fixed, you guys are awesome!I can confirm. 12 days without any problems so far!
Thanks for the feedback, fyi: pfBlocker 2.1.2_2 includes my patch.
The reduced memory usage i cant really explain with the changes from my patch.. Maybe it got a bit more efficient but wouldn't expect that to be noticeable by memory usage.. -
I haven't had any issues on any of my boxes for quite a while now on pfsense 2.4.2 and the latest pfblockerng. I was waiting long enough to say with some level of confidence that this issue appears to be resolved but I think it may finally be safe enough to actually say it. Hopefully, that doesn't jinx me!
Much thanks to BBCan117 and everyone else that had a hand in troubleshooting and resolving this. pfblockng is a wonderful tool and I'm happy to be able to use it again without concern.
Thanks for the feedback, fyi: pfBlocker 2.1.2_2 includes my patch.
PackageManager shows 2.1.2_1 as the latest available. When will 2.1.2_2 be available ?
I've been running with the quick and dirty fix mentioned earlier in this thread for several weeks now without any 502 happenings . I don't want to go through all the trouble we had at three sites one more time because of the 502 problem .. I must know for sure.
For those running 2.4.3, seems it's already running 2.1.2_2
Nice one!
Its available on 2.3.5:
And on 2.4.2: -
I was running 2.4.2 on UFS, and decided to upgrade to ZFS with the config.xml pull.
Prior to the upgrade, I was using maybe 40% memory, and now I am up to 70%.
Still does what pfsense is designed to do.
How can I help out?

Not sure if I should open a new thread but my firewall went sideways about an hour ago, running latest released along with PFblocker, ntopng, autoconfigbackup and openvpn. Kids texted me that the internet was down and got home and when I tried to connect received the 502 bad gateway. I am running latest packages for those that are listed.
I haven't pulled the logs completely yet but see this over and over - Could not connect to /var/run/php-fpm.socket.