No internet on LAN interface
Good day everyone,
So we have the following architecture
PfSense WAN( connected to Router( which has DHCP enabled. So far, everything is fine on this interface.
PfSense LAN( with DHCP enabled, connected to an AP( in bridge mode. Now here, when enabling captive portal, I set the clients under the AP to use DNS of LAN interface, users are redirected to the portal, but then after authenticating, I have no internet access.
I added allow rules, to let in traffic from/to the internet on LAN interface but no luck. Any ideas??Thank you for your reponses
PfSense WAN( connected to Router( which has DHCP enabled. So far, everything is fine on this interface.
PfSense LAN( with DHCP enabled, …....stop stop.
First : check out your LAN network.
Hook up a PC. A PC you just received - a brand new one, these always work.
It should receive an IP - because dhcp was asking for it. Like a DNS a gateway.If that works, perfect.
(but do explain me why not using as an pfSense IP - why ? - you took care off the dhcp pool )
(What about pfsense AP = (static) and pool ?)Continue :
@TheHitchhiker:connected to an AP( in bridge mode. ….
Now here, when enabling captive portal, I set the clients under the AP to use DNS of LAN interface, ….
What ?? Where did that came from ? You shouldn't modify ANY settings on your PC / iDevice / whatever.
You should NOT create the situation that you have to setup every device that visits your portal network.users are redirected to the portal, but then after authenticating, I have no internet access.
What are your firewall LAN rules ?
Did you modify your captive portal "html" file - uploadd your own ?
Did your device (PC) obtained a gateway ? DNS ? What are these ?
This covers 99 % off all troubles.I added allow rules, to let in traffic from/to the internet on LAN interface but no luck.
Normally, to begin with, to have a setup that woks :
NO rules on WAN
NO rules on the "LAN" interface - the global PASS rule ON LAN (== everything that comes INTO LAN interface from your LAN network, passes) which means : The captive portal setup on LAN (although NOT the best setup **) works with a minimal - read : none - if not no setup or changes have been applied on the interfaces** best will be : Captive portal on separate OPTx interface.