Bridged WIFI, DCHP not working…
I have bridged my WIFI card to my LAN, but my WiFi client doesn't get a dhcp response, but if I punch in manually an ip address the WiFi on that client works…
Can anybody help me please?
Using the latest release: 1.2.1-RC2
OPT1 (WIFI) is bridged to LAN, DHCP on LAN is working.
Please take a loop at,12336.0.html - it may address your problem.
I've had a bit of a moan about what happened to DHCP over wireless some time ago -,11095.0.html and,11309.0.html Its a while since I upgraded so I don't know if the situation has changed since I raised the issue. Your report and at least one other recent report suggests that it hasn't. These reports also seem to confirm my suspicion that the behaviour I described was likely to be found confusing and "non-intuitive" by others and consequently generate forum traffic - which may be a good thing :)
Thank you very much!!! I added the two rules you recommended nd that did solve my problem, thank you again!
Could you be so kind a repost the rules because of some limitation i cannot look at the threads wallabybob posted.
Some kind of limitation of me being a reader and not a poster perhaps.. -
The links above no longer work because the 1.2.1 beta forum has been removed due to 1.2.1 no longer being beta :)
This thread might help you:,13351.0.html -
thank you! works perfect now (again) :)