Test Voucher problem in Pfsense 2.4
I've upgraded to Pfsense 2.4 yesterday, when i press test voucher in captive portal, nothing to display or result! Is this a problem in pfsense 2.4?
I have the same issue
Confirmed: https://redmine.pfsense.org/issues/7939
Thanks nicnac and jimp
Good morning,
How long would it take to fix? days, weeks, months?
Its quite urgent in my case, but no panic, I can wait, just have a clue how long.
fr0t -
It's already fixed in the code repository, it will be in the next available release (2.4.1) which is due out in a week or so.
If you need it immediately, you can apply the commit on the ticket using the System Patches package.
Thanks for reply,
approx week is fine, as long I know how long is enough for me.
I have movement of thousands vouchers per day and when I generate new roll many of them is invalid (either checksum or magic number) and basically I was testing whole roll and removing faulty vouchers before releasing them. but now I will have to provide users with vouchers not being checked.
Thanks for info any way. I will wait for next stable version.
fr0t -
If you are generating invalid voucher codes, there must be something else wrong. There should not be any invalid vouchers in a roll.
Have you changed the default bit counts for the vouchers or altered the creation parameters in any way?
Sorry for late, been busy at work,
yes, I have changed all parameters (including keys) to get voucher id as short as possible with all numbers and just few letters.
its not a big problem, because i.e. in a roll of 5000 vouchers I have maybe 10 faulty - I am just removing them before printing, but now I cant find them so I am risking providing users with faulty voucher.
I will wait for update and problem will be solved.
Thanks any way.