Haproxy: non working buttons in pfsense package (fixed with haproxy, pkg0.54)
today, I tried to do some logging within HAProxy. Some of the given Buttons in the haproxy package are not working / or they direct to an not existing page.the Button for "related Settings" directs to {pfsenseWebUIHost+Port}/haproxy/haproxy/haproxy_global.php, but should direct to /haproxy/haproxy_global.php
"related Status"-Button to Page "/haproxy/status_services.php" is not existing (neither in sources)
"related Logs"-Button to Page "/haproxy/diag_logs.php" is not existing (neither in sources)To reproduce this, Install HAProxy Package Version 0.52_14. Open pfsense WebUI and navigate to Services -> HAProxy and click on one of the Buttons, as shown in attached screenshot.
I confirm, I also have this problem on the same package
Confirmed +
now fixed.
Settings icon have wrong **/haproxy/haproxy/**haproxy_global.php link, when must be **/haproxy/**haproxy_global.php
Status icon work
Log icon most likely work, but log page haven't any logs at all. -
For the pfSense package logs to be filled you can configure on settings tab of haproxy the destination "/var/run/log". Though a external syslog server is preferred..
Will check the settings button. Same button does work when in the pfSense status/services screen. It will need a starting / in its link but i probably wont make a new package version just for that..
For the pfSense package logs to be filled you can configure on settings tab of haproxy the destination "/var/run/log". Though a external syslog server is preferred..
Thx, but can please give more details about how to configure logs for HAProxy pkg in pfSense.
I give enough CPU\RAM\HDD to pfSense VM for hosting stuff like webproxy, logs, etc and greatly increased size of default rotation of needed to me logs. If I do so external syslog server is not needed? :) -
What details do you want to know?