[$100] PAC WPAD Configurator
A simple package which would allow users to visually configure and enable PAC file WPAD usage on their pfSense machines.
A page within the GUI that gives users a large blank textarea to paste in their PAC file.
(With a handy link to http://home.thorsen.pm/proxyforurl and https://findproxyforurl.com/ so users can learn/test and validate on their own)An overall checkbox to enable/disable the WPAD functionality.
(which would add/remove the appropriate DHCP options, and create/destroy the Host Overrides within their DNS forwarder/resolver)Finally the save and apply buttons would create the main PAC file and necessary symlinks.
Bounty goes up to $250 if you create multiple textareas, one that encompasses each function a PAC file can provide. This way users can simply list each domain on a separate line and have the package programmatically generate the PAC file.
An extra $50 to enable syncing everything.
It will never happen?
:-\ :'(
Maybe this will help - clickety-click