Squid reverse proxy SSL to HTTP host not working
I have Squid reverse proxy configured to publish both an SSL and HTTP internal host:
SSL Host:
Internet (SSL port 8443) -> Squid Reverse Proxy -> Internal Host (SSL port 8443)
This works, no certificate issues (using wildcard certs)HTTP Host:
Internet (SSL port 8443) -> Squid Reverse Proxy -> Internal Host (HTTP port 80)
Does not work - the squid reverse proxy returns "Unable to forward this request at this time."I have tested:
Internet (HTTP port 8443) -> Squid Reverse Proxy -> Internal Host (HTTP port 80)
This works fine, but obviously does not accomplish what I want.I have also verified that its not a regex issue, as it does redirect properly based on defined host names and regex definitions.
I have read that this scenario is possible: https://wiki.squid-cache.org/ConfigExamples/Reverse/SslWithWildcardCertifiate
But we are not supposed to modify the squid.conf directly, so I haven't tried to configure based on this example.
Mike -
Bump. Should what I trying to do work? Everything I have read seems to indicate that this is a supported scenario. Don't think it is a cert issue since I have wildcard cert configured in the reverse proxy.
Any ideas?