Initially, I was using haproxy to forward 8 http/s sites to two different servers. The servers themselves handled the SSL certs from let's Encrypt. Read about it here https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=138923.msg759656#msg759656 if interested.
After some consideration, I decided I would try using ACME to control the certs. The problem is, I'm having difficulty getting more than 1 site at a time to work.
I do have pfSense ACME's package successfully getting Certs from Let'sEncrypt (using GoDaddy's API key).
I have a redirect in haproxy that converts all port 80 to 443 (except ACME which it forwards to itself).
What I'm trying to do:
1. Forward HTTP and HTTPS Traffic to the HTTPS wordpress server for 6 different sites (
2. Forward HTTP and HTTPS Traffic to the HTTPS email web client (
3. Forward HTTP and HTTPS traffic to the HTTPS nextcloud server ( guide, or suggestions or any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
I think I have it working.
It seems to be, anyway. A follow up question: do I turn of the rewrite on my Apache servers?
Would you mind to share your solution ?