Squid pool warning
Can you kindly help me with this error
2017/11/01 21:05:23| parse_delay_pool_count: multiple delay_pools lines, aborting all previous delay_pools config
2017/11/01 21:05:23| parse_delay_pool_count: multiple delay_pools lines, aborting all previous delay_pools config -
Found this with a quick forum search:
You should be able to edit the config via the GUI to change those properties from default.
What version of pfSense and squid are you using? What are you doing that generates those errors?
Thanks Kom for swift reply, i got the config from the same link you pasted,im not sure about the version as i am of office but iam sure its latest pfsense package
this is my config #
Custom options before auth
#limiting YOUTUBE
delay_pools 3
delay_class 3 1
delay_parameters 3 32000/32000 64000/64000
acl YOUTUBE dstdomain .googlevideo.com
delay_access 3 allow YOUTUBE
#delay_access 3 allow allsrc
#delay_access 3 deny unrestricted_hosts
#delay_access 3 deny unrestricted_hosts
#limiting GUEST
delay_pools 2
delay_class 2 1
delay_parameters 2 8000/16384 256000/256000
acl GUEST src
delay_access 2 allow GUEST -
I've never fiddled with those specific option so I can't really give you any guidance.