Ntopng https redirect / protocol error after configuration in version 2.4.1
Greetings all!
I'm running pfsense with webconfigurator using https on a nonstandard port (not 443), anti-lockout rule disabled, and webgui redirects disabled. I'm NOT running anything behind HAPROXY currently. I'm having an issue with getting ntopng to properly redirect after an installation. Once I set my general options (password, Interfaces, DNS mode, Local Nets etc etc), and update my GeoIP Data. I enable Ntoppng, and save.
Once the configuration is there, I click Diagnostics>ntopng and am immediately redirected to a browser error page:
Chrome: This site can’t provide a secure connection
<firewall>uses an unsupported protocol. ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH
Unsupported protocol The client and server don't support a common SSL protocol version or cipher suite.Firefox:
Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to https://<firewall>:3000. Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). Error code: SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.IE:
This page can’t be displayed
Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to https://<firewall>:3000 again. If this error persists, it is possible that this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite such as RC4 (link for the details), which is not considered secure. Please contact your site administrator.I've tried:
uninstalling, deleting the configs and /var/db/ntopng directory and reinstalling and reconfiging.
made sure redis server was running and listening on with proper entries in /etc/rc.conf for reboots
Verified ntopng was running and at least listening on port 3000.
Verified the /usr/local/etc/redis.conf configs were correctAfter some messing around I'm sure this has something to do with HTTPS / HSTS. I've tried configuring a DNS entry resolving to just a single hostname (and FQDN obviously) to bypass the limitation, though it's not working not with HTTP or HTTPS. I've tried using an additional CARP IP, I've tried tying it to the LAN Physical IP. For anyone familiar with configuring darkstat (http only with a webconfigurator on https) I tried to work around it in a similar way, however there is no such option for a web hostname as there is in darkstat.
Aside from known bugs with limiters and the like, I'm not having any other issues but this one seems a bit weird.
Content of redis.confbind protected-mode yes port 6379 tcp-backlog 511 timeout 0 tcp-keepalive 300 daemonize yes supervised no pidfile /var/run/redis/redis.pid loglevel notice logfile /var/log/redis/redis.log databases 16 save 900 1 save 300 10 save 60 10000 stop-writes-on-bgsave-error yes rdbcompression yes rdbchecksum yes dbfilename dump.rdb dir /var/db/redis/ slave-serve-stale-data yes slave-read-only yes repl-diskless-sync no repl-diskless-sync-delay 5 repl-disable-tcp-nodelay no slave-priority 100 appendonly no appendfilename "appendonly.aof" appendfsync everysec no-appendfsync-on-rewrite no auto-aof-rewrite-percentage 100 auto-aof-rewrite-min-size 64mb aof-load-truncated yes lua-time-limit 5000 slowlog-log-slower-than 10000 slowlog-max-len 128 latency-monitor-threshold 0 notify-keyspace-events "" hash-max-ziplist-entries 512 hash-max-ziplist-value 64 list-max-ziplist-size -2 list-compress-depth 0 set-max-intset-entries 512 zset-max-ziplist-entries 128 zset-max-ziplist-value 64 hll-sparse-max-bytes 3000 activerehashing yes client-output-buffer-limit normal 0 0 0 client-output-buffer-limit slave 256mb 64mb 60 client-output-buffer-limit pubsub 32mb 8mb 60 hz 10 aof-rewrite-incremental-fsync yes
No errors in ntopng log
Any assistance would be helpful and greatly appreciated!</firewall></firewall></firewall> -
I realize this is an old post. I thought I would respond so others will find a solution.
The issue is usually two fold.
New browser versions do not like mismatched certificates and your firewall software may also be blocking the SSL certificate.
First here is a link to some general information on deactivating SSL scanning on some firewall softwares. (scroll down to the middle bottom of this page for that section) https://ugetfix.com/ask/how-to-fix-err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch-error/
Second and a more permanent fix is to create a new CA and Certificate then adding the CA to windows or the browser. Doing this will allow you to keep your firewall SSL scanning active and still allow you access to pfsense. Just be certain to follow the instructions precisely. https://www.ceos3c.com/pfsense/pfsense-generate-ssl-certificate-https-pfsense/
NOTE: You may find that you need to flush your DNS cache on Chrome afterwards to get things going again. Also possibly a browser reset. I also found some Chrome extensions do not play well with certain sites. So also try Incognito Mode (which disables extensions for that session) to see if an extension might be causing trouble.
EDIT NOTE: Also if you happen to have the latest version of Bitdefender they changed the name of Scan SSL. I'm attaching screenshots of that setting. It is the same setting.
Hope this helps.