Monthly traffic reports?
Im not having any issues with Traffic Totals package myself. Maybe uninstall and reinstall.. ?
I've tried that a few times, unfortunately. I just get bogus data that never "updates" after the last reset date. Graphing is enabled.
I'm using pfsense 2.4.1-RELEASE. Attached file is what I see right now (today is 11-26, last time I tried uninstall/reinstall/reset was 11-18).
I just updated to 2.4.2 and will try uninstall/reinstall again…

On your traffic totals page, have you clicked Display Advanced and then "Enable Graphing"?
Id hit "Reset" as well to make it re-write the database.
On your traffic totals page, have you clicked Display Advanced and then "Enable Graphing"?
Id hit "Reset" as well to make it re-write the database.
Yes, graphing is enabled and I have reset a few times now…
Hmm.. Working here fine.
Im stumped! :o
lot of time passed by, and I'm now at this problem, graphic totals shows day by day totals without problems, but stop updating monthly :(
that's strange. the last thing that I have to test its to remove, reboot, and install it again. I did that without the restarting
OK, I reset everything just to figure out that is summing the traffic under "February" despite that the actual date of the server is in March….
attachment on day and month report

How about looking into the part of the forum dedicated to this topic, lot's of information there:
Any luck on this? It seems like the Traffic Totals plugin only half works. It knows how much data is moved on a day but it doesn't know how to properly total the values. I tried a bunch of different values for "Start Day" but nothing seems to help.
There are definitely issues with the Status_Traffic_Totals package… mine's showing two "11/2017" months, and data for March 2018 is being shown as February as a result.