Captive Portal acting weird in 2.4(2.4.2-RELEASE-p1)
There, I installed the latest pfSense from the website in a VM and got the same issue, will take some evidence now. *It's the bare bones default config as it can be that's used
In the last picture, it just locks me of accessing the WebUI and blocks my internet, I must restart the pfSense box to make it work again, and all I did was enable CP and pressed on "Save" button. That happens with changing ANY of the settings in that CP zone…
Just tested the SAME config on 2.3.5 RELEASE and CP works normally, I can change settings and save, nothing breaks… I'll probably do another reinstall of pfsense to 2.3.5 on my machine then.. until this is fixed. Thanks!
Check "Allow users/groups …"
Set a hard time out - and/or soft time out (didn't know nothing was set on initial setup, although, as stated, one of them need to be set).
Also : Visit your pfSense, and do not used "admin" to login, but the user you created in the local user manager.Did you saw : (see image) ?
reinstall of pfsense to 2.3.5 on my machine then.. until this is fixed. Thanks!
I'm using the latest version in a professional environment (hotel). Ik rocks. It works just great for me.
Tried what you said, same problem.
I installed pfSense 2.3.5 Release from the website, everything about captive works but, I can't install any packages? They all fail on install… -
@aleksasiriski:…. I can't install any packages? They all fail on install...
is another subecjet - another forum, but, in a way, good news.
It shows (to me) that something really isn't right - hardware maybe ?On what hardware are you installing pfSense ?
How isn't hardware right? I use my old pc, but I have the same config in a virtual machine and it all has the same issues, it cam't be hardware related.
To ease up(same hardware on both configs):
pfSense 2.4: Captive Portal glitches
pfSense 2.3.5: Can't install packages
Please help X. X -
When re-installing, do you use the saved config file ?
If so, don't - the stored settings probably break pfSense.
If not, …. strange. -
I am not… Especially on vms, I just use the default config and change what I need for testing.
Now, I was trying to fix packages on pfSense 2.3.5 and somehow the OS broke and I don't have access to webui nor the internet. I am going to reinstall once again and after I may have to switch to OPNSense or smt I really don't know... I love pfSense and don't want to replace it :( -
I am not… Especially on vms,....
VMS ? Some virtual machine ? Your problems are solved ! Just run pFsense on its own machine and it shines !!
I'm not saying that pfSense on a VM doesn't work, thousands are doing exactly that, but it needed a good setup for pfSense (the same as non-VM installs ;) ) but also good VM setup …. and that one ... well .... see dedicated forum for more info.Example (just guessing) : 2.3.4 (old pfSense version btw) uses an old FreeBSD kernel. 2.4.2_1 uses a newer the Freebsd 11, which needs adapted VM settings.
I meant, I do run pfSense on a dedicated machines, my old pc, but today, as I was trying to figure out these problems, I used vms, because I can't do all of my NAT again, I just put it from the backed up file, but in the vms, I do everything from scratch to find out if the problem is with the main machine, and I still have the same problem, on the dedicated pfSense machine with restored some of the settings, and the virtual machine with a completely fresh and default config. So no, not problem solved.
I found out the problem for packages not being installed, it's because they are made for that newer kernel, freebsd 11, and so can't be installed on 2.3.5, both 2.3.5 and 2.4 use the same links to packages, which is a bummer, what would be the point of 2.3.5 then? Nonetheless, I'll try 2.4 again to see if it still has the same problem with captive portal and can only hope that if it does, it gets patched soon for me.
System > Update, Update Settings
Switch to Legacy 2.3.X and you will hit the correct package repo for 2.3.5 / FreeBSD 10.3.
OK here we go, finally some kind of error(pfSense 2.4 latest stable):
Message from syslogd@pfSense
pfSense nginx: [ emerg ] 99236#100114: bind() to []:8002 failed (48: Address already in use)
Another same one, but instead of it's ::
Help? -
Message from syslogd@pfSense
pfSense nginx: [ emerg ] 99236#100114: bind() to []:8002 failed (48: Address already in use)Ah, now we're getting somewhere ;D
Only one instance of nginx process will bound to port "8002" : normally the first instance, your first zone. More zones could be be defined.
8002 for http access (first zone)
8003 for https access (first zone)
8004 for http (second zone)
and so on.But : one is already running on that very port. (NOT normal - a previous instance could not be stopped ?! … )
On my systems, when everything is running, I see this :
[2.4.2-RELEASE][]/root: ps ax | grep 'nginx-' 5611 - Is 0:00.00 nginx: master process /usr/local/sbin/nginx -c /var/etc/nginx-webConfigurator.conf (nginx) 6159 - Is 0:00.00 nginx: master process /usr/local/sbin/nginx -c /var/etc/nginx-cpzone1-CaptivePortal.conf (nginx) 7546 - Is 0:00.01 nginx: master process /usr/local/sbin/nginx -c /var/etc/nginx-cpzone1-CaptivePortal-SSL.conf (nginx)
which shows on instance for the GUI (webConfigurator) and two for the captive portal (CaptivePortalxxxx) (one for http access and one for https access).
When I stop the captive portal, the latter two will (should !) disappear.
Btw :
sockstat -4l | grep 'nginx'
Check out the logs when everything start from boot or reboot and at least one captive portal is active. When changing settings, it should be stopped, and restarted.
Another same one, but instead of it's ::
The IPv6 counterpart. Useless for the Captive portal, because its IPv4 only.
Ok, I tried both of those commands and they are the same for me(not the ids of the services ofcourse). I only have 1 CP zone, so for the first command, it's those 3 lines. Now, where should I check logs for starting up captive portal, or what do I even need to look for in logs? Thanks a lot, finally some advancement :D
What I suspect your problem is your are running a captive portal on the same LAN that you are accessing the firewall through. So while you are connected to the pfSense you activate the portal but your state is not dropped. Your mac is not authorized so you are not forwarded to the redirect page and you get the error that you are getting. I bet if you connect another PC, phone or something that was not on the LAN at that time (so it didn't have any open states) that new device will be forwarded to the portal splash screen. The fix would be to clear all your states, but because you can't connect to the firewall you can't do it. That is why restarting pfsense allows you to work once again. Maybe a fix for you would be to create another interface where you can configure the firewall instead of trying to activate a CP on the same interface you are accessing it through.
No, you suspect falsely. I already have my macs added, since the pfSense 2.3.0, because that's when I set my everything up. Now in the upgraded 2.4 the only problem with pfSense is when changing some settings under the CP zone tab and saving those options, then the nginx breaks and I have to restart the machine. The changes ARE ACTUALLY SUCCESSFULLY SAVED.
No, you suspect falsely. I already have my macs added, since the pfSense 2.3.0, because that's when I set my everything up. Now in the upgraded 2.4 the only problem with pfSense is when changing some settings under the CP zone tab and saving those options, then the nginx breaks and I have to restart the machine. The changes ARE ACTUALLY SUCCESSFULLY SAVED.
See bugs in maybe this is the problem that you are running into?