Windows 10 Updates
I just installed the latest version of pfsense on Vmware 14.
It works.
On the other hand, Windows 10 does not want to update any more because it no longer finds the network. I disabled IPV4 and 6 on the network card and left Vmware Bridge.
How do I make updates happen?
Sorry if the question has already come up.
Thank you in advance! -
I disabled IPV4 and 6 on the network card and left Vmware Bridge.
Without a network protocol you will not have any connectivity, regardless of the NIC.
Epic. You can save additional energy by just unplugging everything.
There are many many tutorials online about how to use pfSense with VMware Workstation. Try one of these to start:
Thanks, but what's NIC? How to do it?
Network Interface Card, maybe?
Enable at least IPv4 again.May I suggest you start with reading about basic networking, probably about IPv4 protocol and move onwards from there.
Epic. You can save additional energy by just unplugging everything.
Hi. I just googled it for you: "NIC: out of jail card"
Do you really think this does help anyone except your egos, no matter how unexperienced the original question was.
I think some questions are funny and some answers are funny and that not every post that lands here is as serious as you might like.
But you are entitled to your feelings, so have at it. Come on - Disabling both IPV4 and 6? Its a little funny….
Not every reply to every mistake I ever made was serious either and I managed not to lose my cool.
That said, I just joked because you already answered the issue.