DNS Whitelist
I've configured PFBlockerNG on my PFSense box and just noticed that the ASUS Download page doesn't allow me to download drivers anymore.
If I look in the DNSBL logs, I see:
DNSBL Reject HTTPS,Jan 08 10:57:35,etrk.asus.comis there a way I can whitelist this FQDN in DNSBL ?
Thanks a lot for all your help and support.
Best regards,
Andy -
Do you see a "+" sign next to the alert?
If not I think you want to enable "Suppress" in your pfBlocker General settings….don't have my console open but I think it is in General...might be in DNSBL.Just went into my firewall and "Suppression" states it is for IPv4 only(sorry)…however do you see a "+" next to your DNSBL list? At one point I didn't have the "+" and enabled something...when I hit the "+" the domain is white listed and shows up in the "Custom Domain Whitelist" on my DNSBL tab(at the bottom).
Managed to do it and whitelist the domains.