Proxy exposed to the internet (Pandora - Access Denied)
Hi guys,
2.4.2-RELEASE (amd64)
I opened my squid/proxy port 3128 to the internet so that I can listen to while I travel abroad.
I am using simple Local authentication with username/password and I also tried no authentication (for test only) and I keep getting the Access Denied squid error.I have "Allow Users on Interface" selected on the General settings but nay nay…
It requests the username and password just fine but then, Access Denied for every page I request.Any thoughts?
Thanks ALL
Leo Manes
Are you using a mobile device to listen to Pandora, or a computer? Not all apps on mobile devices will respect proxy settings.
Also, can you confirm you are in fact going through your proxy server?
Why not just get a VPN?
Thanks for your reply Corrosive, is just an example. Any http or https will display the error message.
Attached you will find a screen grab showing the proxy login page and the Access Denied page.
All my other services work.. vpn, samba, webserver and others.
Pandora was just an excuse for me to open port 3128 to the external world. It is more about learning more about pfsense. Specialy because I could not find a single post talking about opening squid to the outside world… like a public proxy.
Leo Manes
Well, the fact you are getting the SQUID error page is a good thing…
How do you have SQUID configured exactly?
Have you tied SQUID to your WAN interface? (Now that I think about it, you probably have...) -
An update…
I connected a laptop to the WAN side segment and I was able to connect to the proxy. So seems the problem is the router port forward... it is like it needs another port besides 3128 to connect.
Leo Manes