How to add custom rules to Suricata
I've found quite a few posts regarding syntax for custom rules but no discussion of how to actually add the rules. Is it as simple as pasting them into the Defined Custom Rules?
Yep! That's just a plain vanilla text area web control. You can copy, paste and edit content in there; then click SAVE when finished. The custom rule (or rules) will be added to any other rules you have selected from the regular sources. Each rule should begin on a line by itself.
Is there a way to pass an FQDN or do I need to just list all their IP’s?
Is there a way to pass an FQDN or do I need to just list all their IP’s?
You will need to list the IPs separately. Snort (the binary part) has no concept of a FQDN. It does not perform any kind of DNS lookup when analyzing traffic. Doing that would slow the network down to a crawl.
Thanks. Wonder how many IP’s this hosting server has?