PfBlockerNG & Firewall Aliases
I created a Firewall Alias IP list for IP addresses that I need whitelisted. I use it in different places in pfSense. How do I use that Alias list in the pfBlockerNG's IPv4 list? (I don't want to type that list again in the "IPv4 Custom list" field.)
Go to Diagnostics / Tables, select the Alias name, copy , paste in you pfblockerNG table IPv4 Custom list
You could also use a local file. Click on the "i" infoblock when you are in the pfblockerng ipv4 table.
The Firewall Alias list doesn't show up in "Diagnostics / Tables". In fact, only 1 out of my 3 Aliases lists shows up in "Diagnostics / Tables". Why is that?
Got the same issue here … not all Aliases are in Tables
But when reading
@Diagnostics:Aliases become Tables when loaded into the active firewall ruleset. The contents displayed on this page reflect the current addresses inside tables used by the firewall.
You could define a "dummy" FW rules with your alias. ;)
Maybe the "dummy" Firewall rule will work (create the table of IP addresses so that it can be copied), but I'm surprised that the pfBlockerNG module doesn't allow using already created Firewall Aliases lists. It doesn't make sense. How can we submit a feature request?
There is probably some php system call available somewhere, look at the doc or open a question in General Questions or Firewalling sections of the forums.
If you use pfSense Aliases, they are not accessible as a table unless you use the URL Table IPs option… Otherwise the IPs are stored in base64 format in the pfSense config.xml file