Squidguard blocking Netflix on ROKU client
I'm having trouble with Squidguard blocking Netflix from Roku clients. I've whitelisted netflix.com and nflxvideo.net but it's still getting blocked? Blocked message in log is below:
29.01.2018 22:10:19 Request(default/in-addr/-) - GET REDIRECT
Thanks for any help pointing me in the right direction.
Where did you whitelist and how? I had the same problem but had to do a very specific set of steps to get past it.
I have a whitelist defined in squidguard, but I suspect the ROKU netflix client is not using he netflix dns names, but IP addresses. How did you get past it?
That's what it was. The Roku netflix client wasn't using the domain name, but IP addresses for the Netflix servers. I guess I should have realized that in the log. Even though I had the option "Do not allow IP-Addresses in URL" unchecked, I was looked at the squidguard config at /usr/local/etc/SquidGuard/SquidGuard.conf and saw that it had !in-addr which was blocking anything that had an IP address in the URL. Seems to be working fine now after I removed that.