Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG support - Howto
i have do it on a embedded system.You must do it over the WebGUI becourse the write permissions is only over it.
Use pfsense 1.2.1 RC2 becourse FreeBSD 7.0Step 1:
Download the 4 Kernel modules:
Go in the WebGUI in "Diagnostics->Command Prompt".
Upload all 4 Kernel Modules over the "Upload" function.
The Files will be upload to /tmp/
After Upload use also in "Diagnostics->Command Prompt" the "Execute Shell command" function to move the files to the right location.
1. Type in Command: "mv /tmp/if_iwi.ko /boot/kernel/" and click on "Execute"
2. Type in Command: "mv /tmp/iwi_* /boot/kernel/" and click on "Execute"
Now the Kernel Modules are on the right location.Step 2:
Now edit the /boot/loader.conf File.
Go on WebGUI in "Diagnostics->Edit file".
Type in the field "Save/Load from path" this Text: "/boot/loader.conf" and click on "Load".
Add this 7 Lines at the end:if_iwi_load="YES" wlan_load="YES" firmware_load="YES" iwi_bss_load="YES" iwi_ibss_load="YES" iwi_monitor_load="YES" legal.intel_iwi.license_ack=1
and click on "Save"
Reboot pfSense.Step 3:
Now you can Assign you card in the WebGui over "Interfaces->assign" whit the "Plus" and configure it.
But when you read this Thread you must know:
ITS ONLY POSSIBLE TO SET THIS CARD TO "Infrastructure" AND "Ad-hoc" … "Access point" DONT WORK!!!I hope its work for you :)
Step 1:
Download the 4 Kernel modules: doesn't seem to work anymore…
Are they anywhere else available? -
Its online again …
I'm Unable to use this card on Pfsense 1.2.3 RC1 :(
Did you try the modules from FreeBSD 7.2? The ones linked are for 7.0. Any messages logged on startup? You could try kldloading the modules from a shell and see what the result is.