ACME package - LetsEncrypt certificate acquired but not activated
As in thread title 2.4.2_1 installed today with latest version of ACME package.
I have it 99% working - I got it integrated with my Route53 account so it can use TXT records to generate certificates but I am finding that the certificate gets acquired, shows up in the list of certificate list but isn't actually enabled (i.e. webconfigurator default is still enabled).
I have to manually update it to use the LE cert. Did I configure this wrong or is this the expected behaviour?
Or - is this the expected behaviour? I.e. I set the "certificate name", then this certificate gets generated then subsequent times the certificate is generated, the same certificate will get updated and therefore everything will roll over smoothly?
As in thread title 2.4.2_1 installed today with latest version of ACME package.
I have it 99% working - I got it integrated with my Route53 account so it can use TXT records to generate certificates but I am finding that the certificate gets acquired, shows up in the list of certificate list but isn't actually enabled (i.e. webconfigurator default is still enabled).
I have to manually update it to use the LE cert. Did I configure this wrong or is this the expected behaviour?
Or - is this the expected behaviour? I.e. I set the "certificate name", then this certificate gets generated then subsequent times the certificate is generated, the same certificate will get updated and therefore everything will roll over smoothly?
Once you generate the cert for the first time, goto "System / Advanced / Admin Access" and set the "SSL Certificate" to whatever you generated.
What you will also need to do is in the ACME "Edit Certificate options" section for that cert is make sure you add an "Action" to restart the WebGUI when its renewed. Like in the attached Picture.