Disable Nat and use CP in routed mode
Is it possible to disable Nat on pfsense and yet use the captive portal?
Thanks, I will try it out.
I have the ssid broadcasted by a Cisco ap, the dhcp external or internal will give the cp interface as its default router.Then I will create a new gateway and set that as default gateway. So will that route all traffic with the source ip unmodified to that gateway?
If you do not want to NAT just disable NAT in Firewall > NAT, Outbound
Either set to hybrid mode and create a NO NAT rule for the source addresses you do not want to NAT or set manual mode and delete/disable the rules for the source addresses you do not want to NAT.
@derelict said in Disable Nat and use CP in routed mode:
t disable NAT in Firewall > NAT, Outbound
Either set to hybrid mode and create a NO NAT rule for the source addresses you do not want to NAT or set manual mode and delete/disable the rules for the source addresses you do not want tSo if nat is disabled then the only way for trafic to go out is use routing table ?
if manual mode is set then is it possible to not NAT Traffic only for few destination IP addresses/subnets and nat for all other ?
It uses the routing table whether you use NAT or not.
Yes, you can make outbound NAT as simple or as complicated as you require.
Something tells me you are not accurately communicating what you are trying to do though.