Snort/Suricata Package - Allow to update rules from file/web share - $100
Will pay $100 for a feature to allow the snort and suricata package to update signatures either by directory or tar ball format from a local repo such as http/s server or file share (such as smb or sshv2) from a local network resource. Would prefer it to be part of the snort/suricata package or could be an separate package.
I'm looking into doing this. A local directory should be doable, as should a local http server. SMB is doubtful because AFAIKk there's no SMB client on pfSense, and adding one is probably not the best idea.
Solution submitted to OP for testing.
Received, will test this coming weekend. Thank you
Consulted with Bill Meeks; will apply same bounty to him for package dev.
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