NTOPNG, adding Pro or Enterprise License
Running 2.4.4-DEVELOPMENT (amd64) with ntopng 0.8.11 ( webfonts-0.30_13, ntopng-3.2.2017.12.06_1, GeoIP-1.6.11, graphviz-2.40.1_2, redis-3.2.11 gdbm-1.13_1)
I have a pro license for ntopng, however I am unable to add it. If I install ntopngon a windows or UNIX instance I see under "About" / License
Click on the above URL to generate your professional version license, or
purchase a license at e-shop. If you are no-profit, research or an education
institution please read this.
And just below that a box to enter a license.However my PFSense install lacks everything under License except a link to GNU GPLv3
Has anyone else ran into this?
You can ask here: https://www.ntop.org/support/need-help-2/commercial-support/
or contact Luca Deri -
If I had to guess, it's because the FreeBSD port of ntopng is likely the open source/community version, which probably doesn't have a way to support a commercial license. You'd need to get the ntop folks to create a pfSense package for their commercial version that could be installed in order to use a paid license.
Of course, they'd say "Why are you running this on a router/firewall?", and they'd probably try to direct you to their ARM versions, even though pfSense runs on Intel/AMD CPUs (with the exception of the newer Netgate produced devices; SG-1000 and SG-3100 are both ARM devices).