Wireless ssid wan
Ok idiot question for the guru's.
I have my WAN –-> wired
I have my LAN ----> wired
Opt1 (WAN2) -----> wirelessI see options under interfaces/opt1 for setting up the wireless card to broadcast. I dont want it to broadcast, I want it to be a client. How do I tell pfsense what SSID to connect to? ???
Im sorry if this question has already been posted, i've searched the forum and google with no luck.
Thanks ahead of time! ;D
The SSID is only broadcasted when your wireless card acts in "Access Point" mode i.e host, and that has an option to be hidden, in your case you want your wireless card to be a client.
Here's a guide I found on google http://addicted-to-it.blogspot.com/2008/05/pfsense-associate-with-wireless-access.html
Thanks for the fast reply. Working :)