PfSense on Hyper-V - lower WAN speed
I have a 300/300Mbps WAN connection from ISP.
pfSense VM on Hyper-V gives me on only 150-180Mbps for download and 180-220Mbps for upload.
VM has 2x vCPU and 4GB RAM, storage is on SSD. It is gen2 VM.
This is a small deployment, because of this right now i have only one NIC on the PC and use VLAN´s with HP1810G switch.
PC has Intel I219-V NIC, so i didnt find VMQ setting. I tried disabling it on Hyper-V VM NIC´s, but it didnt have any efferct.
When doing speedtests pfSense CPU spikes to 30-40%Should i try changing anything or can i even get better wan speed from this deployment?
refer to this thread used bcdedit /set hypervisorschedulertype classic to fix the latency, intermittent, and bandwidth issues
this is needed on win10 1803 and 1809also in pfsense under System/Advanced/Networking make sure
Disable hardware checksum offload
Disable hardware TCP segmentation offload
Disable hardware large receive offload
are checkmarked with certain networkcards such as realteks