Proxy Detected Error
Hi Guys,
Am having trouble with our Squid Proxy. Yes it is enabled, but the thing is I didn't configured any thing to point our computers to proxy. They are all set in "Automatically detect proxy" but the thing is I did not configured WPAD. How is this even possible. And the proxy server that was returned in proxy check is the IP of our ISP. It's the public IP.
Take a look at my screenshot:
It says there that server that is holding the WPAD (since our setting is set to automatically detect) is Nginx. I checked nginx.conf but I didn't see any codes in there that point out or host WPAD.
Do you guys have any idea? And btw, when I blocked something in squidguard, it is not working.
The automatic detect settings will look for wpad configuration on your dns and dhcp. To see if any traffic is hitting squid, take a look on realtime tab.
@marcelloc Yup. I am aware of that. I can confirmed that I removed the settings in DNS and DHCP for WPAD. I can't even resolve wpad when I try it in cmd using NSLOOKUP utility. That's why it is kind of weird.
I already checked the real time tab and it is logging the connection. So it means that it is passing thru our proxy.
ok. Check with tcpdump on console/ssh if the traffic is hitting the proxy with a direct proxy connection or via transparent proxy.
If pfsense is the dns server you will able to see all dns request from the machine too.
@marcelloc Do you have any guide on using this tcpdump? How do I know if it's hitting a direct or a transparent proxy?
If the destination ip/port is the pfSense ip with proxy port, then it's a direct connect.
If the destination ip/por is an valip ip address with port 80 or 443 then it's a transparent connection if transparent mode is configured.The basic usage for tcpdump is: