Captive portal for visually impaired and blind people
I work at a large institute in The Netherland for visual impaired and blind people. Now with the new european GDPR privacy laws I face the challenge of finding a WiFi Captive Portal product that complies with this. The reason pfSense comes to mind is that I've used it at different non-profit sites and in general I am quite content with it. Currently we are standardized on an complete Aruba infrastructure including clear-pass with over 350 Access points. For free WiFi for (possibly blind) visitors at our sites I am considering pfSense. Now here comes the question: is it possible for someone to developpe a Captive Portal with one-day vouchers compliant with W3C standards for the visualy impaired and usable by blind people?
You need to upload your own version of the captive portal page and add in the needed attributes and make it screen reader compatible. You can create vouchers, please download and install on a virtual machine with a single interface to look at how it works, or set up a VM with multiple interfaces and test using a visually impaired screen reader on any number of linux dumb terminals.