Captive Portal Slowing Traffic Between VLANS
Hi, i enabled "per-user bandwidth restriction" but it is slowing down traffic for everything including file transfers from file servers and AD wich are on another Vlans. Is this normal? Does CP limit everything or is it a bug / wrong configuration?
I'm using CP + Freeradius + OpenLDAP. -
When you use the "Per-user bandwidth restriction" on the Captive portal Config page, then yes, every IP/MAC will be throttled to what you set in Default download (Kbit/s) and Default upload (Kbit/s).
On the other hand, when you did not check "Per-user bandwidth restriction" on the Captive portal Config page, you could instruct FreeRadius to handle every IP/MAC differently (this is actually one of the reasons why pfSense proposes FreeRadius).
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